Aldes Three Parallel Damper In-Line Zone Terminals (ZRT-3PDIL) are designed to introduce flexibility and dynamic control to central supply or exhaust ventilation systems. Used in both large and small systems, the ZRT-3PDIL regulates ventilation air without the need for individual fans or traditional VAV terminal units.
Each ZRT-3PDIL is a three-position, pressure-independent terminal with two control dampers to regulate multiple high-limit on-demand airflow controls and integral passive regulators for automatic air balancing of the minimum and maximum airflow setpoints. This unique combination provides flexible control schemes without the need for expensive pneumatic, electronic, or DDC control systems.
The ZRT-3PDIL is primarily used for combination low-flow indoor air quality ventilation or make-up air, and two on-demand high-flow spot ventilation rates using the same central exhaust or supply fan system. For example, controlling make-up air in response to a bath fan or clothes dryer, plus range hood exhaust. Airflow rates are achieved by the Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR3) in the terminal end panel, and in-line with the branch duct. The maximum airflows are controlled by a series of 24 VAC or 120 VAC powered motorized damper(s) and a secondary CAR airflow controller.
With the maximum-air motorized control dampers completely closed, the factory-calibrated minimum CAR allows steady, low-continuous airflow control.
When other ZRT-3PDIL are activated for on-demand control of high flow, the unpowered ZRT-3PDIL will maintain the specified low-continuous rate through the pressure-independent CAR minimum flow control. Opening the ZRT-3PDIL’s control damper adds its calibrated airflow rates to the minimum setpoint, allowing for full maximum-boost ventilation.
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