American Aldes presents a brand new line of smart ventilation kits that take whole-house Indoor Air Quality and Central Ventilation to a new level. New VentZone® Zoned IAQ with Heat & Energy Recovery Kits use the most advanced central ventilation technologies available to provide tightly sealed, energy-efficient homes with precise amounts of continuous fresh air that has been pre-heated or cooled by the energy from stale, air exhausted from the bathrooms.
Tightly sealed new homes are a great way for homeowners to save money and energy. Unfortunately, a tightly sealed home traps pollutants and mold, causing moisture inside a home. Stale, contaminated air must be exhausted, and clean, fresh air must be introduced. Until now, the challenge was introducing fresh air directly into a home without putting too great a load on heating and air conditioning systems, which negates much of the energy savings that come from having a tightly sealed home. VentZone® Zoned IAQ Kits overcome this issue by removing the primary source of stale and humid air directly from the bathrooms, and then taking the energy from the stale air and moving it to the fresh air being introduced. The cores inside the Heat or Energy Recovery Ventilator (HRV or ERV) moves heat from the warm, stale air being exhausted to the cool, fresh air being introduced without any cross contamination between the two airflows. During the summer months, the same process works in reverse: heat is removed from the warm, fresh air being brought into the house and moved to the stale, cool air that is being exhausted.
VentZone® Zoned IAQ Kits provide energy savings and performance benefits as well. Kits are very quiet, a vast improvement over noisy spot bathroom fans. Also, Kits keep the air pressure inside the home balanced because they bring in air proportional to what is exhausted, unlike spot bathroom fans, which can force a home into a negative pressure scenario.
How it Works: The Kits include one Zone Register Terminal (ZRT-2) for each full bathroom and one ZRT-1 for each half bathroom. These ZRTs mount in the ceiling in place of bathroom fans. When the bathrooms are unoccupied, a Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) inside the ZRT exhausts a low volume of air from the bathroom at all times. When the bathroom is occupied, an electronic timer tells the ZRT to open to high volume exhaust, which causes the HRV or ERV to go to high-speed mode to quickly and effectively remove odors and moisture. The conditioned fresh air introduced into the home can be distributed by the return plenum of a forced air system or by dedicated supply air ducts.
The Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR-II) exhausts a precise amount of air from each bathroom (adjustable to 10, 20 or 30 CFM per bathroom). Because the CAR-II is automatically self-balancing, it ensures that the ventilation system is accurately meeting the energy efficiency and ventilation codes/standards such as: ASHRAE 62.2, TITLE 24, LEED for Homes, ANSI Green Building Standard, ENERGY STAR IAQ, and various state codes. Accurate control of the ventilation airflow is critical for balancing a home for maximum energy efficiency and Indoor Air Quality safety.
Installation is simple and cost effective. The entire system is connected via 24V low voltage wiring and powered directly from the HRV or ERV. The system uses insulated 5” flexible duct for 2-3 bathroom homes and 6” flexible duct for 4-5 bathroom homes. The components are sold as a kit based on the number of bathrooms; just add insulated flexible ductwork and fittings. The entire Kit, which provides whole-house IAQ with heat or energy recovery and zoned central bathroom ventilation, costs less than many standalone HRVs or ERVs.
Learn more VZ-IAQ-HRV or VZ-IAQ-ERV